Source Code

ur dog

#1: when answering to every question "ur mom!" or any other cliche sayings(ur face, ur dad ur sister ur grandama etc) and u get tired of it, ur dog is one of the endless possibilites.
#2: an animal related to the wolf which most of americans have for a pet.
#3: sumtimes dog or 'dawg' is used as a 'cool' name for a buddy.

#1: Joe:"hey why'd u ditch me?"
Moe:"uhh...ur dog!"
*Moe runs away.*
#2: Joe:"what animal is that?"
Moe:" a dog."
#3: Joe: "Hey!"
Moe:"sup dawg?"

by no one:(|) January 9, 2007

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

ur puppy dog a dick hog

The end all be all, overall worse ur insult there is.

Caleb: Hey Nathan
Nathan: What Caleb
Caleb: ur puppy dog a dick hog.
Caleb is dragged down to hell, and spends eternity braiding shit covered pubic hair.

by Uncle Gimpy April 3, 2018

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ur dog a nignog

The absolute pinnacle of insults. Immediately summons a black hole which rips apart our solar system.

Frank: Hey dude, ur mom gay.
Dan: Well, ur dad lesbian.
Frank: Ur granny tranny.
Dan: (sweating) Um, uh, well, ur grandpap a trap!
Frank: ...Ur dog a nignog.
(Dan is instantly ripped to shreds, molecule by molecule along with everyone existing entity in the earthen solar system.)

by 5W00GY March 20, 2018

16πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ur dog bisexual

Worse than ur mom gay AND your dad lesbian

Kim: ur mom gay
Susan: ur dad lesbian
Janet: ur dog bisexual

Kim and Susan die

by Okk.willow March 13, 2018

Ur dog gay

Possibly the most devastating words that could ever possibly be spoken by a human being, worse than ur mom gay, ur dad lesbian and even your granny tranny.

George: "Ur mom gay"

Peter: "Ur dad lesbian"

George: *On the brink of tears, using all of his might to conjure up the words* "Ur dog gay"

Peter: *Loses all fucking brain function and resorts back to a child like state, pisses himself and then fucking dies

by Sexhaver2000 March 24, 2018

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ur god a dog

Worst then ur mum gay, ur daddy lesbian, ur granny tranny, ur grandpap a trap, and ur bro a hoe. Every time this is said the begins to destroy itself

Tyler: ur mum gay

Adrian: no u
Tyler: well ur daddy lesbian
Adrian: no u
Tyler: ur granny tranny
Adrian: no u
Tyler: ur grandpap a trap
Adrian: no u
*Tyler becomes angry and says something he thinks will destroy Adrian
Tyler: I don’t wanna say this but, ur bro a hoe
Adrian: no u
*Adrian prepares the most terrifying insult and comeback in the universe

Adrian: ur god a dog
* Tyler died and his body vanishes into the air and the universe created a giant black whole that devoured a galaxy

by JesusChrist8 March 18, 2018

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ur dog a cat

This word can change every single thing in the universe, even your existence.

Friend: Ur mum gei
Me: Ur dad lesbian4
Friend: Ur granny tranny
Me: Ur dog a cat
*World completely changes and wipes out all of humanity causing a change in itself causing everything to start over again from the beginning*

by Sam11803 March 13, 2018

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