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1. a womens vagina

that prostitute had a nasty vagingo.

by mari (: January 5, 2008

14👍 4👎


Britsh colloqual language for the Vagina or intimate part of a females body past the clitarous

A Females Vagina 'her vagingo'

by Natalie Karim March 13, 2005

35👍 16👎


A device that holds pvc pipes And various other large, tubular objects

the worlds widest vagingo can hold up to 37 pvc pipes , such as rebecca's

by Danny F. Kra November 7, 2007

16👍 9👎


-We have seen your vagina when you bend down through the side of your super short shorts. Where your underwear was during all this nobody knows.


p.s. yes, we are talking to you......... vagingo!

"m: i just saw her vagina through the side of her shorts.

k: what!?!!! you seriously saw it?

t: what's up?

k: he totally just saw he vagina through the side of her shorts.

t: WHAT!! she wasnt wearing underwear?

m: i didn't see any i only saw her va jay jay

k: gah what a vagingo i mean vagina

t: no lets call her that. she is the vagingo monster.

m: hahaha"

k,m,t: omg its VAGINGO. AHH VAGINGO!

(vagingo continues walking without realizing it is her)

by i-lost-the-game November 4, 2009

2👍 8👎


Guys have their own lingo, as do girls. But when girls use language that is specific to their gender, it is then considered "vagingo".

My friend started telling me about her plans with her girlfriends for the weekend. When I didn't quite understand what she was saying, I realized she was speaking "vagingo"...a language in which only females understand.

by SeriouslyClark May 2, 2014