A queer identity term for when you want to physically alter your body in a non-standard or incomplete way (in relation to gender/expression).
This term is mostly used by transgender people with transition goals considered to be abnormal by the larger community; however it can also be used by cisgender folk who peruse sex change treatments while still identifying as the gender they were assigned as they fit the definition of physically altering one's body in a non-standard way.
It is incredibly broad and can mean anything from a transgender person opting nit to have bottom surgery because they like their existing anatomy, to a cisgender woman getting phalloplasty, to complete removal of all genitalia, to the addition of more genitalia or secondary sex characteristics.
Person 1: "I'm a varioformic trans woman!"
Person 2: "Awesome!!! What are your goals if you don't mind me asking?"
Person 1: "I'd like to get top surgery in order to have a third breast and a mix of male & female genitalia by getting phallus preserving vaginoplasty!"
Person 2: "Oh cool!"