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A practice utilized by dubious organizations to raise massive amounts of money. Generally, they will use veterans, many times wounded combat veterans, to help raise funds for veteran-focused initiatives that have high social value. Unfortunately it seems, a larger portion of the funding will go to pay organizational salaries, marketing, and other expenses not directly benefiting anyone but the organizers and their business associates. This practice makes it more more difficult to raise funds for the organizations that spend a higher percentage of their monies on actual programs and services that directly benefit veterans in need.

I talked to Sergeant Henderson and he said the organization he had been helping was a front for a vet-trafficking operation. On several weekend fundraising events, he witnessed drunken partying every night and money being spent on expensive hotel rooms and rental vehicles. He said he even overheard one of the inebriated organizational managers bragging about his 6-digit salary.

by MisterTruth July 3, 2018