The incorrect spelling of the word victuals (hey, grab a dictionary of you don't believe me). It is usually misspelled this way because this is how the word is pronounced.
1. any food edible to humans
plural-victuals: rations, provisions, snacks
Billy Bob: Hey Billy Joe, we were gonna go rustle up some victuals (vittles), wanna come?
Billy Joe: Naw thanks, I'm full up. Just ate a squirrel I found lying in the road.
Billy Bob: HOT DAMN I want me some of them victuals!
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Any type of food that you are eating
im putting on my johnny jons and gettin some vittles
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slang word for chubby boy/teen's man boobs.
That boy Vito has some odly shaped vittles.
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the act of licking anus. see also "toss salad" or salad tossing.
Me n Dustin had us sum vittles last night. I like to have my vittles with honey.
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the codename for the Berlin Airlift following world war two. Named by initial operation commander Lemay who thought that other proposed names were too ostentatious. Operation Vittles, once taken over by William Tunner (also the orchestrator of the world war two Himalayan airlift), supplied the people of berlin, saving the city, the country, and the continent, preserved democracy worldwide, and instituted the U.S.A. as the leader of the western world, staving off starvation for the people of berlin, and world war three for the rest of the world.
Vittles was the dawn of a new era in world history
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Vittle - (prounced with a hard sound between b and v) refers to food in rural parts of Jamaica.
In some dialect on the island, the tt's become kk.
Origin from (archaic) victuals - food fit for human (or occasionally animal) consumption.
1860: William Carleton, Tales & Stories of the Irish Peasantry
...Balgruntie was bent on makin' the attempt, especially after he heard that the castle was well vittled, an' indeed he was meritoriously joined by his men, who piously licked their lips on hearin' of such glad tidin's.
One thing yah know, Marcia loves the vittle.
Yah go to the nine-nights later? Whole heap of vittle (is) over there.
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A sexual intercourse action between two females. This is an exciting thrilling way to women can have sex. It is where one girl places her breasts inside the other females genital. (vagina,pussy, cervical area) This means the titty has to be long enough and big enough to go in the other girls vagina and the vagina has to be stretchy enough for the boob to go in. This is an in and out motion such as the motion of sex.
I am a lesbian and i always was looking for a way to have sex. and then this came up. i love to vittle. i vittle all the time with my girlfriend and i squirt all over her tit. Amazing =
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