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1. Noun. A helpless child who has been shown no respect considering their parents taste in cheap, crappy overpriced shit from China that they used to decorate their interior with.

2. Noun. Adj. An individual who has been deemed a member of a family which does not care to show any respect towards him.

3. Noun. Adj. A family who’s members apparently were waifs as children. Considering the fact that they feel the need to purpetuate their legacy upon their selection of individuals from society.

This is the cheapest overpriced crap. My first order as a newcomer has me feeling like a waifheir. Not family!

Obviously they need me. Consider me a waif? You are all evidence of having been exposed to neglectful parents. By you deeming me a member of your family I see this interpretation. My abduction by you and your intentions to capitalize on me by exploiting me to bring yourselves profits. Waifheir.. so you shall be as well, in my knowledge of your evident criminal offenses.

by Kukey monster March 21, 2018