a dude or dudette addicted to masturbation
Jeff is such a wankaholic that he spends every evening at the adult bookstore.
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A person, usually an American but can be any nationality aside from British, who is addicted to using British terms, phrases, and idioms. In addition, the wankaholic often misuses the British expressions he believes he is using correctly. The term is a combination of the words, "wanker," a derogatory British expression, and "alcoholic," a person who is addicted to alcohol.
American: That movie was bloody good!
Brit: "Bloody good?" What are you, a wankaholic?
Brit #1: My American friend Milo is a real wankaholic.
Brit #2: What makes you say that?
Brit #1: Every time he sees someone he doesn't like, he calls them a "wanker."
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