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adj. of or relating to wargasm. >able to achieve wargasm.
- DERIVATIVES wargasmically adv. wargastic adj. wargastically. adv.

"The helicopter scene in 'Apocalypse Now' when they played Wagner, was totally wargasmic."

by Dick Splash March 1, 2005

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


Wargasm... The result of not having intercourse for months at at time; while deployed to war; and then finally returning home and having amazing, hard stress relieving (quick) sex.

Jordan: "man that 9 month deployment to the Stan was rough!"

Zach: "yeah? what was the worst part?"

Jordan: "To be honest probabley not having sex... But dont worry I took care of that last night... Destroyed Mary Jane Rotten Crotch "

Zach: "That good huh?"

Jordan: "Yeah it was quick... But I had a real good Wargasm, don't think she'll be walking for a while!"

by Sapper Daddy1 January 12, 2013

148๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


The feeling of testostrone mixing with sadism and a mental orgasm, generally does not leave lovestains in your jeans.
This can happen when holding a wicked sword built for actual use, caressing a bitchin' gun, or any weapon for that matter.
It can happen after oblitorating a target/enemy with a vicious attack that completely rocks the room.
You may have a wargasm after witnessing sheer badass combat, such as watching 300, the best of UFC, ect.
On another note, a wargasm also occurs during these things if said thing lasts long enough for the body to fully process and fully grip HOW MUCH FUCKING DAMAGE THAT SORRY BASTARD JUST TOOK!!! (Veins popping out of temples with relish and emphasis)

-I think I just had a Wargasm and it was beautiful.

-"I think im about to have a Wargasm, someone get a mop and bucket!" (WHOOOSH!!!) "HAAaaaa...." *twitch, twitch*

-This sword just gave me a woody, and then I had a Wargasm, its as Wargasmic as that paintball gun I saw last night...


-300 gives me multiple Wargasms, that guy is a fuckin badass, it redefined warrior for me!

-Did you see that fight last night? It was Wargasmic!

-WAAAAA!! HAAA! DID YOU!?! AAAAAAH! I THINK IM GONNA...(falls down convulsing as wet spot appears near crotch.)

by Source: Brennan Cox, June 12, 2007

73๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


n. 1 the climax of gaming excitement, either FPS or RTS, characterised by intensely pleasurable sensations centred in the brain. 2 the climax of combat excitement often felt by military personnel around the world, especially if they are on the winning side, characterised by intensely pleasurable sensations centred in the brain. 3 the climax of cinematic excitement, characterised by intensely pleasurable sensations centred in the brain after having watched a war film or films. v. have a wargasm.
-ORIGIN C20: From Brit.

"I had a right wargasm after finally completing the game in single player mode."


".....so I let rip with a full mag' into his chest and he just spun around and fell right over the balcony. It took a week to get over that wargasm."


"I had a total wargasm last night, after watching 'Saving Private Ryan' and 'Band of Brothers' back to back"

by Dick Splash March 1, 2005

139๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž


The ecstatic rush of adrenaline and testosterone experienced by warmongers, militarists, and belligerists at the beginning of a long-anticipated armed conflict.

"If Israel attacks Iran, John Bolton will have such a wargasm that his head might explode."

by smendler July 29, 2009

65๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


What President George W. Bush has when he thinks about bombing another country in the middle east.

President Bush had a wargasm when he thought about bombing Iran to find oi...er, eliminate weapons of mass destruction.

by Lon June 27, 2005

100๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž


A combination of the words "war" and "orgasm." Used to connote the act of getting off on violence, typically of the sadistic kind.

He loves fucking kids up; he's totally down with the wargasm.

by Tyler Hauck January 7, 2004

48๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž