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Warhammer Online

An PvP based MMORPG made by Mythic, the creators of Dark Age of Camelot. It is set in the fantasy world of Warhammer and has the Empire (Humans), Dwarves, High Elves, Orcs, Chaos ("Evil" Humans) and Dark elves as playable races.

"Wow, Warhammer Online looks awesome! It's gonna own WoW when it's released"

by Bobby McBobPants March 28, 2008

115👍 31👎

Warhammer online

A game that attracts new MMO players and old ones alike, mostly because of it's vastly superior PvP to games such as WoW (not to bash on WoW, I played that too for awhile)

Because of this gamer melting pot, the chat on non-RP servers generally consists of a WoW fanboy trolling the WAR fanboys or people bitching about the latest patches. Common complaints:

"Dude they totally nerfed all AoE with that patch, WTF"
"Shadow Warrior sucks lolololol"
"You rolled a Black Ork? HAR HAR U IS A NOOB"

*Melee DPS with a good healer gets a few kills in open RvR*

Guy who just pwned some noobs: "Woo, man, I love Marauders!"

Guy in regional chat: "wat u rolled a mara wat r u a faggot"

Marauder: "At least I'm not a tank-loving homo like yourself."

Harasser: "go back to wow, warhammer online isn't for fags liek u"

*shitstorm that lasts at least a half an hour begins*

by SnoopingasusualIsee July 27, 2009

21👍 8👎