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Warrior spirit

Never knew where it came from …

I’m tiny .. used to be peace loving.. I guess that in itself puts you out there as a punching bag … especially as a kid/ teen.. life was a tad more brutal back in the pre mobile phones age …

Oh and people spoke in person …

Actually now I know where it resides … always been in tune to spirit to some degree .. past life essence but only realise this as you get glimpses of past lives … better than any drug i reckon …

As a raver .. I was too young but my older friends mostly went all out for a good time .. one stuck in my mind as I agreed totally with the sentiment … you don’t need drugs .. just the music and the vibe of the crowd…

Fellow empath perhaps but at the time didn’t even know this word existed in a spiritual sense …

Warrior spirit

God .. without it I wouldn’t have even made it this far … and it’s the reason I refuse to break .. Yep warrior spirit … without you I’d be fucked …

And yes we should stick up for what’s right .. I know I’m guilty of being drawn in soooooo easily .. but at the time I was depressed and broken …

Easy target ..

Lots of people enjoyed firing arrows ..

They know who they are .. you can’t lie to yourself …. Only other people …

I know who you are …

A soul does not forget ..

Warrior spirit … to protect and serve

by LetsTalkAboutX January 13, 2023

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