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white hot

This pretty much just means... awesome, rad, tight, pimp, boss

"Look at this new phone I got"
"Dang, that's white hot."

by jessica. May 16, 2006

54๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

white hot

A Male who is so drop dead Gorgeous he is WHITE Hot!

Vicky: God that Guy is White Hot
Emily: You'll Telling me!

by Vicksy April 20, 2006

15๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

White-hot Junior

An untapped twink, unexplored territory, virgin ground waiting to be PLOWED.

I better get that White-hot Junior before it ain't junior no more.

by Banana Hammie October 21, 2020

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

White Hot Karl

The White Hot Karl is, by definition, the hottest Karl conceivable in 3-dimensional spacetime. As the temperature of a Karling Manouevre is a measure of both its literal warmth and its level of contact intensity, this technique qualifies under both categories.

How the WHK is performed:

The principle device for administering the procedure consists of an array of hot watter bottles (between 10 and 18) fitted to an elaborate system of tubes that terminate into hypodermic needles. Clamps should be fitted to the bottles to prevent any accidental self-Karling during preparation.

The administrator, upon donning a thermoprotective gown, shall heat 3 to 5 pounds of his or her own feces and bring it to a boil (another person's feces may be substituted, in which case the person administrating the procedure shall be properly referred to as 'proctor').

The hot water bottles shall be filled with the boiling feces, the bottles clamped off, and the hoses and needles attached. (Note: great care should be taken in the selection of the materials to ensure their thermoresilience.) At this point, the recipient shall be placed on the Karling table in the supine position and any video equipment should already be calibrated and ready for use.

The hypodermic needles shall be placed at random into the face, neck, chest, and head of the recipient and the clamps removed from the bottles, thus allowing the near-boiling-temperature liquid feces to be deposited directly into the body, erotically coating the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and lymphatic systems.

After a successful procedure, it is customary to watch an episode of Oprah in the fetal position while sipping shiraz from a plastic mug.

Hey, how 'bout a quick White Hot Karl, Guy? Bro, that was an excellent White Hot Karl that you administered last night while we were watching Oprah.

by Frank Olson March 6, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

White hot pocket

When u jizz into a hot pocket

I like white hot pocket

by Ball sack deep November 4, 2019

white hot shower

When you fill a salt shaker with your cum then boil it and pour it on your bitch to assert your dominance.

I gave Laquysha a white hot shower last night.

by Weeb Boo October 26, 2017

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white hot love

Another word for cum or jizz

I spilled my white hot love all over her when I was finished

by The greatest based lord December 6, 2015

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