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defined as when someone is extremely confused, and for the sake of annoying others(or humoring them) pronounces "what?" in such a fashion. An old-man expression is required to get the full effect of the word.

Math teacher: x2+bx = (x+b/2)2-b4/4

Student(extremely confused): WHU?

by SUPERGOOSE13 November 27, 2010

175👍 82👎


Also whufc, see west ham for a better definition and a bunch of arsenal supporters whining.

I'm forever blowing bubbles, pretty bubbles in the air.

by Kung-Fu Jesus May 3, 2004

56👍 68👎


means what for Axel Flores


by Gothicgucci April 21, 2019

6👍 15👎

whus up blood

Salutations of affection usually used to a close member of family.

whus up blood
nothing much cousin

by samm g. g. December 16, 2008

6👍 17👎