A free, public domain, on-line dictionary project sponsored by the same group that runs Wikipedia. Users can define terms and edit others' definitions.
I couldn't find "bagloooza" in Webster's Unabridged, but Wiktionary had it. Turns out Mike was right, it *is* a noun.
80๐ 13๐
An Internet wiki dictionary dominated by adolescent system operators that reject new words and penalize participants who repeatedly submit new words, add definitions for existing words, discuss relevant but objectionable issues and disagree with any system operator on the merits of a definition by blocking participant access to prevent further submissions and participation in discussions.
When I submitted a reference link to the Urban Dictionary site the Wiktionary system operator blocked my access to the Wiktionary site on the ficticious grounds that the Urban Dictionary site is malicious.
29๐ 40๐
A place where anything you say can and will be used against you. An organization based on ostracism.
I was ostracized from the Wiktionary.
The Wiktionary is a social club with a dark side.
I escaped the Wiktionary just in time.
21๐ 33๐
The free and open-source dictionary
How many languages does Wiktionary support?
3๐ 2๐
a free online dictionary owned by Wikipedia
sounds like masturbating in german (wichsen), so Wiktionary could also be the ultimate guide to masturbation
to masturbate: wichsen
to jerk off: sich einen runterholen
Wiktionary: Wichserfรผhrer
19๐ 23๐
I propose a new site.
Urban Wiktionary is a mix of Urban Dictionary and Wiktionary, taking elements from both.
It would take the definition acceptance and (somewhat) loose moderation of Urban Dictionary.
It would also take the Categorization, Etymology, synonyms, antonyms, and format of Wiktionary.
I see this as a way to highlight words better, as if there will be enough terms about sex and etc, at least weโd have categories to sort of nullify it.
Urban Wiktionary would also help with simply finding words too.
It could divide words into nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, etc.
It would have a better navigation system, sorting into categories and allowing terms with unusual characters (:, ;, โ) to be found.
It could also divide into languages, seeing as there are many foreign terms on this site.
Seeing that there as many definitions of Urban Dictionary (on Urban Dictionary) saying how much it sucks, maybe it could even provide nonbiased definitions, which all logged in users could make better.
I feel like this would bridge the gap between the โofficialโ words from Wiktionary while still allowing for smaller words that still make sense to be shown off, like in UrbDic.
This may never happen, but screaming into the void at least gets it out there.