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Willset (noun)

will·set | \ ˈwil-ˌset \

1. The cultivated and conscious application of willpower to direct thoughts, govern emotions, and influence actions in alignment with personal resolves and higher purposes.

2. It is a disciplined practice of mastering one’s faculties—mind, emotions, and body—to achieve harmony between intention and action.

3. Willset connects an individual's inner resolve to their outward actions, allowing them to overcome obstacles and stay committed to their path of personal growth.


Cultivating conscious and intentional willset through unwavering resolve, is the best way to master one's mindset. Without it, mindset, motivational quotes, affirmations are rendered powerless and ineffective.


Cultivating a conscious and intentional willset through unwavering resolve is the best way to master one's mindset. Without it, mindset, motivational quotes, and affirmations are rendered powerless and ineffective.


Imagine a person committed to personal and professional growth, for eternity. They have a strong willset, using their willpower to stay focused on their goals, commitments and resolveations. To reinforce this, they create willations or statements that invoke their will: "I will learn a new skill every month." This reflects their willfulness, the active decision to improve themselves despite challenges. Their overall philosophy is being Resolved to Evolve, continually becoming a better version of themselves. Finally, they practice Resolvekido, where their disciplined resolve and willset drive them to reflect, adapt, and take action in harmony with their long-term evolution for the benefit of themselves, their families, society, humanity, the planet and the cosmos for eternity.

by Possibility Advocate September 13, 2024