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Used for describing something slightly wonky, unusual, slanted, incomplete, weird, funny, or different.

*Jack sees the leaning tower of Piza*: Look at that wobbity tower!

Jack: What`s that wobbity thing in your basement?
Jill: That`s my homemade invention.

Matt: Look at that car weaving in and out.
Joe: Must be a wobbity driver!

by Demarkation March 3, 2009

2👍 4👎

Wibbity Wobbity Woo

An exclamation of joy. Additional Woo's indicate increased enjoyment.

That girl just fizzled my jizzle... WIBBITY WOBBITY WOO WOO WOO!!!

by Ken Whelan November 22, 2003

10👍 2👎