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A quiet, athletic person who is naturally good at everything, especially academic studies.

"Just pass it to Wonjin, he'll catch it for sure."

by Sausage Jam January 23, 2017


Cravity's ball of sunshine, Hyeongjun's favourite hyung and friend (mostly ofc) a talented man, gorgeous and loving person

person 1: it that wonjin?
person 2: yes and i love him

by maymaydelie October 22, 2020

Ham Wonjin

Ham Wonjin is the sweetest boy in the world. Aswell as being sweet he’s so cute, funny and hardworking. He is the type to play and joke around but will get what he needs to do done. He’s really talented and is good at so many things. Whether it’s baseball, dancing or singing he can do it all. He’ll love and appreciate you as long as you don’t give him tomatoes! (fyi he hates them)

Fan: “hey.. do you know Ham Wonjin?”

Stranger: “you mean the sweetest boy in the world, the one from Cravity? Yeah!

Fan: “yes that’s him omg!!”

by cravity best boys November 22, 2021


An actual cutie. One Cravity's hyungs. He's a literal ball of sunshine who loves his maknaes. Super talented, he can sing, dance, rap (a little), and even act! He was a child actor. An amazing person.

Person 1: I'm feeling kind of down today

Person 2: I was sad too, but then I looked at Wonjin pictures and immediately felt better!

Person 1: oh wow he's so cute!

by Exciting Pomegranate March 1, 2021