Someone who is so invested in their political views that they believe a lot of falsehoods and say a lot of really stupid things. Wrong-wingers do not have to have any particular set of political views, as long as they fit this definition. The term comes from how the opposite of “right” is “wrong,” and so a “right-winger” or a “left-winger” could jokingly be called a “wrong-winger” instead.
Wrong-wingers be like: “I dOn’T hAvE pReFeRrEd PrOnOuNs, I hAvE a SeX.” Like bitch yes you do. A pronoun is just a word that refers to something that can be inferred. “He” and “him,” which is what you wanna be called, ARE PRONOUNS AND YOU PREFER THEM. Like do you want me to be like “Oh, Karenson? I’ve heard of balls. Cock talked about how cock goes by scrotum sex instead of any pronouns.”