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what the dawg doin'?

hey wtdd?

by faxdeeznuts June 9, 2021

23πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


"What the dog doin'?" It's an internet meme that became popular again.

Friend: *walking his dog*
Me: "What the dog doing?"

Friend: *sends snap of his/her dog*
Me: "Wtdd?"

by WolFy1337 June 14, 2021

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


WTDD What the dog doing
Refers to the popular king bach vine, where he asks his friends if they want a mint and then hillariously, a dog paw comes up and tries to take one too and that's where this saying comes up, the shortened version can be used in various texts.

King Bach : Who wants a mint?

His friends : Me, I do

They reach over to the mints, then a dog tries to take one too.

King Bach : What the dog doing?
Shortened WTDD.

by Mark_ January 15, 2022


Short for β€œWhat That Dick Do?!” This is a question you ask your bestie when she finds a new guy. Generally asked early on when they first meet and they havent been engaged sexually yet so the jury is still out. Used great as a mantra to get pumped up before going out! It can also be asked aggressively when you really want to find out WTDD? and the anticipation is growing strong and/or that dick didnt do shit. Truly we still dont know...

β€œLets go out in Manayunk tonight, the dude I met in Miami Is coming” β€œO shit! Roberto?! Yoo WTDD?!”

by chosenbrunette May 24, 2019

10πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž