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xerus: a discord server with a man (is he really a man we dont know) named lambo and his ekitten named jen (and others...) supposedly the lambo is from texas but we cannot confirm that too

also he is very generous in giving back to the es community more than parrot has ever done

man1: man have you heard of xerus?
man2: no i havent, what is it?
man1: oh just some epic everskies/msp discord server with a man and his many ekittens

by theydontreallyknowme November 8, 2023


a discord server for msp/everskies filled with a man named lambo (is he really a man we dont know) and his many ekittens. jen is probably his favorite ekitten and he tends to commonly neglect them. the rest of chat is stuck wondering wtf is happening most of the time. (supposedly hes from texas..)

he is also very generous to the everskies community way more than admins have ever been

man1: ayo have you heard of the xerus?
man2: no man what is it
man1: oh its a discord server thats craazy!

by theydontreallyknowme November 8, 2023