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A wonderful girl that came from the beautiful land of Japan. She has the brightest smile and the sweetest laugh. She makes everyone feel happy when she's around.

Did you see that girl in the lounge? She's super Yuka sweet.

by urbandictionclassics December 16, 2008

336πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž


A girl who tries to get everyone’s attention. Revives fast after break up and many fall in love, yet many fall out of it. despretely needs love. Yuka is a girl everyone wants to be friends with.

Yuka:I’m so upset. Give me attention my minion”

by Minehodgid February 19, 2018

18πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A young beautiful man, who swam all the way from the land of Japan to the land of Korea to pursue his music dream. After 4 years since his band's debut, he got his new stage name given by a primary school female student. By the way, she would totally love if you go check out NCT 127 - Punch MV.

The man's name is

Yuka Nakamoto

"I don't know any Nakamoto Yuta, I only know Nakamoto Yuka."

by Mark Minecraft Lee June 16, 2020


Someone beyond perfect!

John: I think this girl is beyond perfect.
Alex: You might as well just say "this girl is Yuka".

by Beta_Meow March 30, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


That annoying anime character thats has nothing to do with the plot, that everyone wants to murder because of her pointless love obsession with her cousin.

In Sankarea, Ranko is such a yuka.

by Delicious Taco Monster June 21, 2015

18πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


Long and large quanity of pubic hairs located in the vaginal area. Abnormal than the ordinary female.Also see "Muff"

"OH MY GOD"...that's what I said when i saw her with the biggest MUFFY YUKA in the world.

by Rad April 25, 2003

38πŸ‘ 229πŸ‘Ž


An evil Japanese international student who has split personalities depending on the language that she is speaking.

She likes to sweep the air and wants to marry Ohtani Shohei.

Ohtani Shohei: Have you seen a crazy Yuka around? I'm trying to escape from her clutches
Naveena: You mean that really adorable Japanese girl?
Maya: Don't let her split personality fool you!!!

by thetubbytaco November 5, 2019

2πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž