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a cool tiktoker witha leo from enstars pfp 🤗

do u follow yuubf? no? kys!

by nickwildedzn August 14, 2021


yuubf is super cool and awesome and cool

uncool person: whos yuubf

cool person: someone super cool and awesome and cool

by reipilled August 14, 2021


Yuubf is a TikTok user and amazing person to be mutauls with 😋 ☝️ he has a great amount of 648 followers and a shocking 10k likes! He's are so cool and I really really sweet person who posts videos that are no where near boring ..and I think they like enstars

Person A: hey have you heard yuubf?
Person B: YA ACTUALLY Im so in love with his content <333

by Peachgyuu August 14, 2021


super cool mutual and super cool person 👍👍👍👍👍

wow yuubf is a really cool person!”

by abbap August 14, 2021