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Zodiac signs

The thing that people use as an excuse for being a burden on humanity.

Oh Iโ€™m sorry for punching you in the face, Iโ€™m **Aquarius

** 1 of the 12 zodiac signs

by Assassin203886 August 25, 2020

251๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zodiac signs

Something that a random girl on TikTok will define you by and will not shut up about it

Guy 1:what are zodiac signs
Guy 2: there are some dumbass things that are if your born in may your a Gemini stuff like that,why do you ask?
Guy 1:my girl asked which one am I

Guy 2:dump her

by Stinkyboy69 February 10, 2021

103๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zodiac Sign

Zodiac Signs are some made up bullshit that gives people excuses for acting out. It is like a religion for people that are to lazy for religion.

Bella: what is your zodiac sign?
Collin: Aquarius?
Bella:fucking loser, Aquariusโ€™s suck at everything just because you were born in February.

by Iโ€™mAFuckingAquarius March 22, 2021

69๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zodiac signs

Bro...if you believe in these you're most likely a 13 year old white teen alt girl.

i'm not going to let the fucking stars decide how my personality is. zodiac signs are so wack

by will this show up 5 years l8r March 18, 2021

89๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zodiac sign

A bullshit way to determine your lifestyle

"What's your your zodiac sign"
"Not real"

by FBIVAN June 7, 2021

26๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zodiac signs

Some made up bullshit that defines your personality by what month you were born in.

14 year old white twitter girl: what's your zodiac sign?
Guy: What's a zodiac sign?
Twitter girl: OMG you don't know what zodiac signs are? go fuck yourself

by Fizzzyy August 27, 2021

52๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Zodiac Sign

Depending on where the earth is when you're born your personality is influenced by 1 of 12 signs. Zodiac signs aren't meant to be taken seriously, but surprisingly reflect on your actions and behavior, to a certain degree. Everyone is different even if you have the same Zodiac sign. These signs influence, they do not label. For example a Pisces will be influenced by its sign to be very emotional and dreamy, however this person has the ability to choose whether or not they want to go about with these instincts. A Gemini on the other hand, for example, will never share these traits, but might not fit their own sign very well either. It all depends on the individual. This is often why people dismiss zodiac signs as superstitions. Some will match their signs perfectly, some wont. These descriptions are sometimes general and vague but for the most part, correct.

It is said that Zodiac signs determine how old your soul is, with aries being the youngest and pisces being the oldest. Regardless if this is the case or not, it might make it easier for someone to understand them if you think this way. Say a Cancer is the teenager of the Zodiac signs, not all teenagers are exactly the same, but they all usually have the same intentions. For example, dating, sports, getting in trouble, video games, hanging with friends, some will rebel, some wont, ect. Each teenager is different, but their all pretty much on the same boat. This is a great way to think of Zodiac signs, not every Cancer will be the same but just like teenagers, they have similar ways of experiencing life.

by vnvxvnv March 17, 2010

321๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž