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Cockney ryhming slang for loo

guy: Hey I'm just going to the didgeridoo

gal: ok

by ∂αмиgιяℓ♥ August 5, 2009

7👍 15👎

Milky way

Cockney Ryhming slang for gay

1st man: Don't you think that guys a bit milky?

2nd man: Huh?

1st man: Milky way, gay duh

by ∂αмиgιяℓ♥ August 5, 2009

17👍 34👎


A mungo is a dumpster diver - someone who looks through trash and takes out all the valuable stuff

1st Dude: Dude, your GF is such a Mungo

2nd Dude: Huh? DUDE what you talking about?

1st Dude: Yesterday I saw her going through my dumpster and taking out all my valuable trash

by ∂αмиgιяℓ♥ August 5, 2009

34👍 52👎