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PIRM:- Paris In Riot Mode. The Parisians, not to forget some of their friends and allies, are mainly in PIRM - but - only when they are awake - AND not in August when it's shut down for their holidays.

Listen beautiful, I just wanna take you on a long weekend holiday, some time in August, for a few days, when Paris might be in PIRM free mode, get the picture?

by 1STFABARM May 15, 2019


HITLOID is the character of a person, or persons, who begin to develop a ruthless and illogical character which more people shockingly begin to acquire.

The trouble is, over the years, they've become more and more HITLOID - you just can't trust anyone of them.

by 1STFABARM March 29, 2019


O&NE:- Old And Not Easily confused - as are many men and women who are still smart A N D creative.

I know he's been doing this for a L O N G time. He's O&NE, he's the man for the job, he'll get things settled, I know, he's done it before!

by 1STFABARM April 27, 2019


DEFACTOID:- A person, animal or device which is mainly used to commit activities to reduce or demolish the activities of the opposition.

Don't waste your time planning to finish him off, get DEFACTOID on it - defact him fast!

by 1STFABARM May 1, 2019


FFFM:- Fairy story For the Feeble Minded, it's only a religion for the diminishing group who think that life continues after their death, somewhere, silently invisible, H I G H above the clouds.

Listen, he's been through a load of trouble in that ally late last night, he's very young and not too bright, give him some FFFM - a n y fairy story, he's not too bright, it'll calm him down.

by 1STFABARM May 16, 2019

21πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


IFTFFF:- Infidel Fred The Freeman From Fulham - he'll a l w a y s give some, or more, good advice.

I don't think you've got ANYTHING to worry about, anyway, you're

downtown tonight, pop in the pub in Fulham, you MIGHT bump into IFTFFF, he could give you some good advice.

by 1STFABARM May 18, 2019


UFF:- ULTRAFUCKINFANTASTIKO - Something SO good you didn't think it could have been achieved, but it was, AND, it was N E A R L Y as good as Charlie in the quire!

If YOU can go down that cable over the lake, more than a killimetre long - without half a dozen NCO'S to slow you down - it'll be a miracle UFF!

by 1STFABARM May 19, 2019

87πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž