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Popeye the Sailor Man

A buff-ass sailor boi who eats green blob-like substance from from a can which makes him get RIPPED. May or may not engage in combat with termite swarms. Has a history in the navy, just not the American one.

Popeye the Sailor Man, he lives in a frying pan, turn up the gas and he'll blow off his ass, it's Popeye the Sailor Man, Toot Toot!

by AHit.2496 September 30, 2022

Subtember 11th

A relatively insensitive Subway ad released on September 11th. Describes a deal that's pretty damn good though, if you ask me. Two footlong subs for $9.11. You'll "never forget" this deal!
Fly in for Subtember 11th at your local Subway!

Hey Joe, it's Subtember 11th! Lets go eat these delicious, cheap subs in remembrance of the greatest attack on American soil, TOTALLY committed by Al-Qaeda.

by AHit.2496 September 21, 2022


A name for super gay Mexican boys specifically named Tobin Welborn, who play Halo while sucking on penis.

Hey, wanna play Halo with Tobeaner?

by AHit.2496 March 3, 2023

stupid jew

The retards who were stupid enough to get kicked out of 100+ countries.

Don't listen to Rothschild, he's just a stupid jew!

by AHit.2496 September 7, 2022

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