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your knee

The final and ultimate insult in a string of insults consisting of your mom, your face, and your mom's face.

Pirate: You're dumb.
Ninja: Your MOM is dumb.
Pirate: Your FACE is dumb.
Ninja: Your MOM'S FACE is dumb.
Pirate: Your KNEE is dumb!
Ninja: ...! *cries like a featherweight crybaby*

by AtomicBono June 23, 2005

44👍 16👎


Some people use this as a heart, but those people are wrong. It is clearly a ballsack.

I <3 you (I ballsack you)

by AtomicBono June 23, 2005

17110👍 6692👎

raspberry iced tea

Probably the best thing ever...at least, the best drink ever. Cold iced tea with raspberry flavouring.

Raspberry iced tea rules, I always get it when I eat at Subway like a real pirate would.

by AtomicBono June 23, 2005

58👍 44👎

The Edge

Real name David Evans, The Edge is the guitarist for the famous Irish rock band U2, known for his love of effect pedals, harmonics, "sonic soundscapes" and "less is more." He has a very minimalist style, so when he really rocks out in songs such as "The Fly" (from the 1991 album "Achtung Baby") the effect is far greater. Possibly best known for his intro to the song "Where the Streets Have No Name" from the 1987 album The Joshua Tree, which is essentially a four-note arpeggio done repeatedly but is regarded as one of the greatest intros of all time.

"The riff from that Vertigo song is killer! Who does it?"
"The Edge from U2. Personally I think The Edge's riff on Sunday Bloody Sunday is better, U2 aren't a new band y'know!"
"Right...but what kind of name is THE EDGE?!"

by AtomicBono June 23, 2005

292👍 59👎