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A crude hometown beer created for the hard working men of small town USA. Enjoyed by few, hated by most. Generally consumed in the most rural areas of North America (the boondocks, backwoods, swamp, etc.), and more valuable than Gold to those who live amongst the trees and kill their meals with their bare hands.

Hey Scott, do you want a Blatz to wash down the nails we ate for breakfast? Maybe I'll pack a few for lunch too, it's going to be a long day of killing Grizzly bears with shotguns.

by BigDaddy_31 May 25, 2017

gun slinging mud flinger

An unimaginably agressive vehicle (generally a large pick up truck), created by the hand of God specifically to tear up any sort of dirty mud hole it can seek out across the United States (Farm fields, dusty dirt roads, muddy pipelines, etc.)

Nice truck Ryan, looks like a real gun slinging mud flinger. Let's take this bitch through the neighbors cornfield, I bet those swampers can handle it.

by BigDaddy_31 May 24, 2017