A rare instance only occuring when two people are engaging in anal sex. The man, who happens to be allergic to peanuts, realizes that his dick begins to feel tingly and uncomfortable inside the woman's anal cavity. Pulling out, he sees that his penis is swollen and broken out in hives. The woman then realizes that she ate peanuts the day before, thus the peanut proteins (which cause the allergic reaction) have made their way through her digestive system, plaguing her anal cavity with their presence. Her ass is now infested with Ass Nuts, putting her peanut-allergy partner at risk.
Uuuh, Amy? You didn't happen to eat peanuts anytime lately did you?
Amy: No, not that I recall?.... Oh, NO WAIT, I did have some peanut butter last night. Why?
DAMMIT AMY! You know I'm allergic to that SHIT! My dick is swollen again! Your ass is infested with ASS NUTS!