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the definition of a rotound Arab man, whose voice, when speaking his native tongue, sounds liek a teletubbie

Eh-Oh! time for Talibantubbie

by Borne September 23, 2004

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


slang term for toilet. and extension of the slang term 'John'.

Had a heft curry last night, must pop off to feed jonathon

by Borne February 12, 2006

103πŸ‘ 219πŸ‘Ž


the blue portable toilets often seen on building sites. The name derives from the word TARDIS, which is also a big blue box in the TV show Doctor Who.

Im busting for a Tom Tit, is there a TURDIS nearby?

by Borne August 28, 2006

57πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


A woman of poor feminine hygiene, whose presence is noted by the lingering scent of decaying fish emanating from between her legs.

Most commonly encountered on the London underground, bus shelters and begging for change outside Tesco

"Don't go in the bus shelter mate, there's a right flangetta in there!"

by Borne September 23, 2004

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

punjabi taxi

the empty vehicle driven by a Punjabi Taxi-man at 2 am around stevenage, hitchin and luton, with little regard for speed limits, the highway code or safety of other road users, while on their way to a fare.

The expression is quite common in stevenage where it originated, due to the large amount of Taxi cabs driven by people of asian origin.

Note, that even non-asian taaxi drivers can be refered to this way if they are driving in the manner describes above.

"shall we walk or take the punjabi taxi?"

by Borne August 28, 2006

24πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


a prospective sexual partner, who, in order to enter a sexual encounter with them, you must not only put a bag over their head, but over your own in case their's falls off.

the only single people I meet are all either ten-pinters or two-baggers!

by Borne February 12, 2006

61πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

touch cloth

1) to have a turtle head pop from one's rectum before underpants are removed

2) to break wind with more force than expected, and to cause fecal matter to come in to contact with one's underpants before being able to suck it back in

Oh Dave, that sounded like a wet one...did you touch cloth?

by Borne September 23, 2004

94πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž