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Verb (past tense): To lightly or forcefully push the back of someone's head whether aggressively or as a gesture of endearment.

That bitch just muffed me.

by Bridgetspace January 7, 2009

108👍 47👎


An adjective; meaning bogus comes from a combination of words "More bogus than that thing"

Did you see her flirting with my man? That's bodine.

by Bridgetspace January 7, 2009

60👍 23👎


An adjective meaning old as dirt. Originated, most likely, on the west side of Chicago in "K Town". Think of Medusa 1,000 years old... BETHUSA

I know she is only 21 but she looks old as Bethusa.

by Bridgetspace January 7, 2009

9👍 2👎