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An author who used Urbandictionary from aprox. May 2006 - November 2007. Most of her definitions are given bad ratings (which they deserve). For more, just look at her definition of the word urban dictionary failure. This was her only good definition, she described herself boldly.

DizzyLizzy blows cocks why couldnt she have stopped writing sooner, now we gotta clean all her bullshit up. >.<

by BromoDragonFLY August 4, 2010

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


The 4th astrological sign of the zodiac. The sun is in this sign from June 21st to July 22nd. Cancer's element is Water and quality is Cardinal. The moon is it's ruler, governing the feeling nature of an individual such as emotional makeup, and unconscious habits. They have maternal instincts and are very receptive. The power of the moon is usually hidden until an eclipse where we are reminded that it is no less influential than the sun. It can be hard for Cancer to let go of the past, they are moody people but are loving and imaginative. They are considered to be compatible with signs of the same element (Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer itself). Their main body part is the breast and the polar opposite of Cancer is Capricorn.

Cancer is the mother of the signs... tits or GTFO

by BromoDragonFLY August 4, 2010

120πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


The 2nd astrological sign of the zodiac. The sun is in this sign from April 20th to May 21st. It is a "feminine", negative (introvert) sign. Their element is Earth, and quality is Fixed. Venus rules this sign, as well as Libra, and is associated with beauty, affection, and the balance created when sympathizing and uniting with others. However, their passion can drive them to become jealous, resentful, and self-indulgent. They are considered compatible with signs of the same element (Virgo, Capricorn, and Taurus itself). Their main body part is the neck/throat and the polar opposite of Taurus is Scorpio.

when you fuck with Taurus you usually get the horns, but if you know what youre doin then you can milk it all day. mm mm mmmm

by BromoDragonFLY August 4, 2010

251πŸ‘ 155πŸ‘Ž


The 5th astrological sign of the zodiac. The Sun is in this sign from July 22nd to August 23rd. Due to it being an odd number it is considered a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It's element is Fire and it's quality is Fixed. It is the only sign ruled by the sun itself, rather than a planet which explains the self-centered nature of Leos. Leos are generally charismatic, warmhearted, faithful and caring people, but they can also be very egotistical, pompous, bossy and intolerant. They are considered to be compatible with signs of the same element (Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo itself). Their main body part is the heart, and the polar opposite of Leo is Aquarius.

Leo: man im so cash
Aquarius: ur a lion dude
Leo: yepp... rawr! nothin can fuck wit meh
Aquarius: *throws cat nip*
Leo: OMGWTF GIMMEDATSHIT *runs for it*
Aquarius: LAWLZ

by BromoDragonFLY July 31, 2010

81πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž


Niggavision is a power that only the darkest of darkies have the potential to develop. It is the ability to literally view any weed, cocaine, or cheap malt liquor from a mile away.

Joe: DUDE! you know i hate watching BET! turn that nigger shit off!

Toby: this happens every time im chillin at yo pad dawg! im BLACK WTF how many times i gotta 'splain this shit? *puts down 40oz of steel reserve 211*

~~ All of a sudden a 6"7', dark as night, grade-E nigga bursts through the door smoking a newport and a black & mild at the same time snatches the 40 and dips ~~

Joe: THAT SUN'ABITCH HAD THAT GODDAMNED NIGGAVISION! what in tarrrrnation!? well, hey its alright, we got some real good expensive ale all the way from Belgium in the fridge!

Toby: fuck that man im headed back over to 7/11 for s'more steel

Joe: i swear to god toby ur gonna get that gosh darned niggavision one day too...

by BromoDragonFLY December 12, 2009

46πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


The 3rd astrological sign of the zodiac. The sun is in this sign from May 21st to June 21st. It is a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It's element is Air and quality is Mutable. Mercury is Gemini's ruler (as well as Virgo's) and dominates communication, variability, mentality, but is also inconstant. Their versatility can make them superficial at times, and nervousness is only generated in the wrong setting. They are considered to be compatible with signs of the same element (Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini itself). Their main body parts are the arms/hands and lungs, and the polar opposite of Gemini is Sagittarius.

Gemini were twin brothers in Greek mythology known as the Dioscuri, meaning "sons of Zeus."

by BromoDragonFLY August 4, 2010

707πŸ‘ 316πŸ‘Ž


The 11th astrological sign of the zodiac. The sun is in this sign from January 20th to February18th. It is a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It's element is Air and it's quality is Fixed. Uranus (associated with genius, and individuality) rules this sign during the day and Saturn (associated with limitation and practicality) takes over at night. It is believed to be the most unique sign in that they are the only sign to spend more of their time thinking into the far future rather than the time-line of their own. They are considered to be compatible with signs of the same element (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius itself). Their main body part is the ankles and the polar opposite of Aquarius is Leo.

Its the Age of Aquarius so obviously they gotta be of SOME significance right?

The best sex that can ever be had is shared between Leo and Aquarius. Opposites attract big time.

by BromoDragonFLY July 31, 2010

351πŸ‘ 183πŸ‘Ž