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an expression that has the same meaning as "rats, drat, crap.." ect, usually used while driving or in other frustrating situations.

"Oh fooglenorton I am going to be late for work!"

by Brownhorse October 4, 2008


electronic + retard

A word that decribes someone that is electroniclly challanged, generally someone that has no clue how to use their computer or other "gadgets" and "gizmos".

"She was such and etard she couldn't even turn on her computer."

by Brownhorse October 4, 2008

5πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž


A stupid person. Derived from "stoopid" which, obviously, is how some stoop spelled stupid, although that is how it sounds.

"He was such a stoop he didn't know peanut butter was made with peanuts."

by Brownhorse October 4, 2008

2πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

keen cyclist

Someone who doesn't ride a bike at all, but has one in the shed / garage from years ago (usually with flat tyres, rusty chain and seized up components).

Always used by someone objecting to / complaining about any cycling infrastructure, to try to give credibility to a selfish argument or point of view.

I'm a 'keen cyclist' but I don't want these cycle lanes in front of my house.

by Brownhorse August 17, 2021

47πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


When one excersizes while sitting on the couch. (Leg lifts, bycicles, weights, ect while remaining on the couch, often times watching TV)

"My dad couchersizes everyday in the comfort of his own home on his own couch while watching his favorite show."

by Brownhorse October 4, 2008

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


When businesses, organisation, councils or politicians pretend to be supportive of or encouraging cycling when in fact they are not.

Councils give the impression that they are producing improvements to cycling without actually producing improvements to cycling.

Or a politician is pictured on a bike or has a profile picture of them on a bike, and they describe themselves as a 'keen cyclist' when everyone knows they are just there for a photo opportunity and don't want to improve cycling safety.

See also 'Greenwashing' but for bikes and cycling

Everyone knows that they talk a good talk when it comes to cycling, but in reality they don't care and don't want to make any improvements. It's all just 'Bikewashing' to make them look good.

by Brownhorse January 12, 2022

17πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


(Twilight + n00b) someone that hasn't read all of the books in the Twilight series.

"She obviously was a twoob, since she didn't know vampires sparkle."

by Brownhorse October 4, 2008

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