In the days prior to a certain search-engine's rise to fame, thereby distorting the original meaning, the term "google-eyed" referred to a certain odd and slightly humorous appearance or expression in someone's eyes. Whether the person was slightly cross-eyed, cockeyed, or had a lazy eye, or simply postured their eyes in an odd way during an expression, they were "google-eyed."
In newer use, it probably refers to someone who has spent far too many hours "googling" or web-searching for something and reading too many webpages.
Him - "Hey you're pretty cute!"
Her blushing and slightly google-eyed.
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When someone refuses to say anything in an audio or video recording, out of fear of being incriminated when the material invariably ends up on the internet. A variation on the US Fifth Amendment regarding self-incrimination.
Hey I'm not saying anything to you while you're taking that movie because I know it's gonna end up on the internet-- pleading Internet Fifth!
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"The use of one's gender as a weapon or as an escape against another."
Generally, gender-rape implies some sort of allegation of sexual impropriety or sexual prejudice on the part of the accused, when in fact the accused is generally innocent. Therefore, gender-rape is a means of sexual prejudice, more frequently used by females against males, but not always so. Akin to reverse-sexual-discrimination but on a more passive-aggressive level, usually with ulterior motive.
Used as early as the mid 1980's by Robert W. Schellhaas, Phd MDiv
1) A woman wishes to shun a male who is showing appropriate attention to her. She fabricates an allegation of impropriety against him as a means of ridding herself of his presence.
2) An effeminate gay male or a male-transgendered falsely accuses a heterosexual male of prejudice, based upon the former's more female-gender identity-- generally either in a passive-aggressive parlay of getting-even, or in a power-play.
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A vehicle-driver, generally a younger person, who apparently thinks that they can drive because they have grown up playing far too many driving or race-car videogames. Generally, the person swerves and zigzags in and out of traffic without use of turn-signals or any courtesy or concern for safety, cutting away any stopping-distance between the affected vehicles, or drives to endanger as though "game over" simply means hitting the "Play Again" button.
That videogame driver jerk just zoomed up behind me, swerved around and cut me off without warning, then swerved their way through another dozen cars like it's some sort of racing-game. Jerk-- apparently can't see that no one can go any faster!
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An act of manipulative or false-emotion put on in order to achieve the desired reaction from others, usually sympathy.
Unlike its near-opposite, a kneejerk, which is a re-action to an action, the tearjerk is an initiated action in itself.
Hitlary sure put on that tearjerk act for the New Hampshire Primary Elections, just when everyone said she was seen as lacking emotion.
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Being trapped in a tomb-like vehicle for hours with people smoking.
I can't breathe in this carcoughagus, let me out!
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The kind of anxiety usually expressed by the physical or mental desire to jump up and down, screaming and banging hands on chest or head on walls.
Pre-dates the shortened but now more common variant "apeshit."
My roommate just deposited my mail at the bank and dropped my bank-deposit in the post-office box, for the third time! I'm going apeshit-crazy!
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