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A person who votes for the Democratic party. Not necessarily one of the far left wing.

Many Democrats (like myself) are centrists. While i believe that you should keep most of the money you make, and that you should learn to make money yourself, rather than relying on government handouts. I cannot bring myself to support the current Republican platform.

Ultra Right-wing Baptist fundamentalism is JUST as bad as Ultra Left-Wing Hippie fundamentalism.

Also, In an ideal world, i wouldnt mind paying taxes, as long as the govnernment is doing something with them. I would rather pay more taxes and have them go towards reforming our social system (second amendment) then pay less taxes that go towards killing Iraqi's.

They didn't attack us
They didnt have weapons of mass destruction
They are not liberated, they hate us

Bill Clinton
Jimmy Carter
John F. Kennedy
John Lennon (Democrat Supporter)
Bono of U2 (Democrat Supporter)

by ChaosDemonZ November 24, 2004

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