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Electric Boogaloo

A phrase typically appended to the title of a sequel from a television or film series to mock its poor quality. The term was originated in the title of the poorly received 1984 dance film “Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo”.

Teen Beach 2: Electric Boogaloo

by ChickenScrxtch82 February 17, 2021

356👍 12👎

Devious Lick

Possibly one of the most stupid TikTok trends to ever come into existence. The trend consists of stealing one or even multiple random items from your school, sneaking them home via jansport backpack, and then showing them off to your 5 followers. Some of the most common items being stolen include soap dispensers, paper towel dispensers, toilet paper rolls, exit signs, classroom signs, and other small/medium sized bathroom items or supplies. Some kids are so bold as to steal larger and often expensive items such as bathroom mirrors, sinks, projectors, bathroom stall doors, and even full on toilets/urinals.

The word 'lick' is a slang term that's used to refer to a successful theft mission that often results in a valuable reward for the protagonist. In this trend's case, the reward would be a high amount of likes and views, along with a large increase in followers on the uploader's account. And since people are really out here stealing entire sinks and toilets, these so called "licks" definitely are devious.
Hopefully the devious lick trend will come to a full stop soon, and all the affected schools will be able to move past it.

The more Devious Licks you hit, the more clout-hungry you look.

by ChickenScrxtch82 September 22, 2021

Do you listen to Girl In Red?

An expression in reference to the popular queer music artist 'Girl In Red' who writes indie/bedroom-pop style songs about two girls in love with each other. Her music is widely popular throughout the LGBTQ+ and Lesbian communities. The phrase "Does she listen to Girl In Red?" or its more direct variation, "Do you listen to Girl In Red?" is typically used as a more secretive way to ask someone if they or a certain person is/are a Lesbian.

Bob: Hey Sally, do you listen to Girl In Red?
Sally: Yes, now stand behind the line or your girlfriend will be mine.

by ChickenScrxtch82 January 5, 2021

7👍 1👎

Schrödingers Goth Complex

Someone who talks about wanting to date a goth girl but is actually referring to egirls. Usually acts disgusted when seeing actual goths

He always talks about wanting to date goth girls until the girl is actually goth. He totally has a Schrödingers Goth Complex

by ChickenScrxtch82 May 19, 2023


Someone who relies on trends to seem "cool" or "quirky" instead of creating their own unique style. Trendhopping is extremely common when it comes to clothing, but really, it can occur around anything that's popular (music styles, singers/bands/other artists, tv shows, etc). Trendhoppers will manage to turn a style of clothing into a personality trait for as long as the trend lasts. Once it ends, they either move onto something else, or go back to basic jeans and a t-shirt.

Amanda used to wear collared sweaters and skirts all the time, but now she just wears skinny jeans and a boring shirt everyday. What a trendhopper!

by ChickenScrxtch82 July 4, 2021


A slang term used to describe something cool or awesome. Commonly used among Twitch streamers, gamers, and members of Gen-Z. Variations include 'Pog' and 'PogChamp'

Person 1: Wow! I got an A+ on my math test!
Person 2: That's poggers! / That's pog! / PogChamp!

by ChickenScrxtch82 January 3, 2021

202👍 26👎


A slang term commonly used by members of Gen-Z to say that something is a lie. Similar to its variation “capping”, which is used to direct at another person who is a liar.

Person 1: Mom! Nick ate my ice cream!
Nick: That’s cap!


Teacher: Jack, are you sure your dog ate your homework?
Jack: Yes!
Bob: You’re capping, Jack! I saw you throw it in the recycling bin yesterday!

by ChickenScrxtch82 January 3, 2021

7👍 2👎