Someone who is annoyingly obsessed with their business or whose thoughts consist only of work related things. It does not matter if this person is at work or at home, eating dinner, praying or sleeping, their thoughts are always business related.
June Coldburn is a total biznatch, the only thing she ever talks about is her office job.
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A fusion of the words "no" and "yeah". Used to annoy people who ask too many "yes" or "no" questions; or to say "yes" and "no" to controversial topics to avoid upsetting anyone.
Question: should marijuana be legalized to the same capacity as alcohol?
Answer : Nah
Question: did you put the bacon in the freezer yet?
Answer: Nah
Fashionism is a government ruled by those with the best sense in fashion. They hold fashion contests instead of elections or a royal family.
Kanye West is running in the 2020 elections for the fashionism party
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Someone who has a passionate sexual desire for the luxurious fruit of the fig tree. They often conpare figs to testicles. Putting the figs in their mouth causes almost instantaneous erections.
I had no idea Gary was such a figgot until he started talking about having surgery to have his balls replaced by figs.
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Someone who reads rap lyrics instead of listening to the song.
Billy the readzus tried publishing a book of poetry containing only rap lyrics. Unfortunately the only published who made him a offer was "Christian Hymns for Children" which was clearly a mistake.
Someone or something that is equally smart and dumb. Someone who can solve complex calculus equations in their head without having to use technology or paper, but also thinks the world is flat. A 500$ smart phone, which is incredibly powerful for the size, but compared to a Ps4 which costs the same amount, it is a child's toy. A synthesizer that has 128 note polyphony and over a thousand internal sounds, but you can only play one sound at a time, and since you only have twelve fingers, and the synthesizer does not include a multitrack step sequncer, you can only play 12 of the 128 note polyphonic notes at any given time.
A rather Smardumb F.B.I. agent offered to give marijuana with someone who had expressed interest in it, hoping the individual would lead them to illegal cannabis suppliers after gaining his trust. Unfortunately, the only leads he had were to other Smardumb F.B.I. officers attempting trying the same trick.
A fusion of the words "but" and "uh". When you say but, quickly followed by "uh". Difficult to differentiate from the word "butter". Often it sounds like the person saying it has momentarily stopped thinking about what they were talking about and began fantasizing about butter.
I went to dinner at O'charly's with Ella last night. It was difficult to tell if she said "buttuh" because she needed to think or if it was because she was excited that the dinner rolls arrived.