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troll song

A Troll Song is one that is requested in public forums like live chat rooms or live streams online that is meant to deter from the chat topic. It is meant as a joke of sorts (like a prank) to distract chatters and viewers of such live streaming experiences from the broadcaster. Troll songs may be those like "parodies" or songs made specifically to be derpy in nature or just plain stupid songs.

"That kid requested a Troll Song to interrupt the online stream and cause viewers to see his prank instead of watch the broadcast."

by CommonSenseTeach February 15, 2015

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live streaming

Live Streaming is the broadcasting of live video and audio feeds from a remote location by way of services like those offered by Twitch.tv. Live Streaming provides opportunities for broadcasters to display their gameplay, game play-through, or other topics-of-interest in real time; a.k.a., live. Most live stream broadcasts typically associate a chat room portal through which viewers may directly interact with one another, as well as the broadcaster, in real time. Unlike highlighted, or archived, videos, live streaming provides an highly-interactive experience for both the broadcaster and the viewer in real time.

"I love watching walk-through live streaming of my favorite video games by popular gamers on Twitch."

by CommonSenseTeach March 15, 2015

11👍 2👎

Troll Mode

Troll Mode refers to a setting in online chat rooms where the room moderator can pre-eliminate anyone who would try to type negative comments to deter from the chat topic. If Troll Mode is active, then users who are not regulars and try to type sexist, racist, or otherwise negative comments will automatically be timed out or have those comments removed immediately. Although some comments may be meant as a joke of sorts (like a prank) it actually distracts chatters and viewers of live streaming experiences. Troll Mode may help live broadcasters and chat room moderators purge those derpy or just plain stupid comments before they can actually add such to the room.

"After the first silly comment was seen, the chat room moderator turned on Troll Mode to prevent any more negative or off-topic comments from being added by those who are not regulars to the room."

by CommonSenseTeach March 15, 2015