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An asshole. a really stupid person/joke

ex 1:thats such a juke!
ex 2: You're such a juke!

by ConorMackGeGoryator December 18, 2018


so, when you dun goof, you screw up in a REALLY BAD way, like getting caught with your gf/bf under the stairwell, or blowing up a gas can thinking it was empty

you just dun-goofed REAL bad timmy!

by ConorMackGeGoryator November 24, 2018

Hew hew

a laugh someone makes when they rip you off mainly large companies.

mainly used by jewish company owners.

(SELLER) HEW HEW HEW, i just stole his money.

by ConorMackGeGoryator November 28, 2018

3👍 7👎


An animal that belongs to another animal. def 2: a person who belongs to another person

Timmy's my little pet

by ConorMackGeGoryator December 18, 2018

38👍 6👎


a Jocker is a person, usually a man, who acts cool but when faced with a challenge, will always back out or run away like a pussy

Damn, Zackary is such a Jocker!

by ConorMackGeGoryator December 18, 2018


A large group of jews, about 5-10 jews in one place

we have a huge flock over here hanz!

by ConorMackGeGoryator November 24, 2018

2👍 3👎