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The act of dipping your penis into a steaming pile of poop.

Jessica: “The sex wasn’t going anywhere until he whipped out his poonis.”

by CpSkeletor May 25, 2020

1👍 1👎

Hand Fetish

When a person is attracted to hands, of all things.

Person 1: “Did you hear that Kira has a hand fetish?”
Person 2: “Is that a Jojo’s reference?”

by CpSkeletor May 25, 2020

627👍 9👎


A combination of the words forehead and headass. It’s used when you can’t decide to call someone a forehead or a headass, or when your friend either says or does something dumb.

Friend: “I’ll just drive us home.”
You: “You don’t have a license, foreass.”

by CpSkeletor July 21, 2021