The warm happy feelings of a group get together involving auto enthusiasts known as hotrodders or simply, rodders.
The most recent rally of the GMC Motorhome club was a festival of comroddery.
4👍 6👎
Then I Thought About Sex. When you are young anything makes you think about sex.
I had some butterscotch pudding, TITAS.
10👍 26👎
Shun*pike (shun//pik/), n., v., -piked, -pik*ing, --n. 1. a side road taken instead of a turnpike or expressway to avoid tolls or to travel at a leisurely pace. -v.i. 2. to drive on a shunpike. 1850-1855, Amer.; SHUN + (TURN)PIKE -shun//pik/er, n.
(From the Dan Carr Coin design website)
Janice goes to work on the Route 55 shunpike, avoiding the toll on the Pennsy Turnpike
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