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Having anal sex with someone that has swamp ass.

"Pew! What's that smell? You were in there swampthumpin' (that ass), weren't you?"

by CrazyCrab69 September 26, 2022

pez neck

When two (2) or more people in a group are engaged in endless or excessive conversation and won't stop.

You (all) sound like a bunch of "pez necks"; yackity, yackity, yackity yack! Do you ever stop talking?

by CrazyCrab69 September 11, 2020


A whackado is a person who is 'out there', whacked in the head in a retarded, crazy and psycho way.

A guy says to his friend: "One time, I tried to break up with this girl. She just didn't get it! Went into a deluded frenzy, cutting up my clothes. Then, two seconds later, she's asking me what I want to eat for lunch! "

Friend responds: "Man... What a whackado!"

Guy : "No... whack-a-do!"

by CrazyCrab69 October 25, 2022


Dergoatory word for ones mouth; particularly one of that which is diregarded as being a hoe.

Shut your "hoe-hole", it's not a cockfest! Nobody cares about your opinion.

by CrazyCrab69 September 12, 2020


1. A word an addicted person might use to define an array of symptoms that might mimic that of going thru withdrawals from the use/ abuse of certain illegal substance(s); particularly street drugs.

2. The root cause of withdrawal symptoms an addicted person feels when 'coming down' off of drugs.

3. A reason for having physical, mental and/ or emotional withrawals, due to the inability to obtain drugs; most commonly cocaine and/ or methamphetamine.

When an addict fails to obtain a sack (bag) of drugs, they might go thru a period of "lackasackatosis" symptoms; more commonly known as withdrawal.

by CrazyCrab69 October 11, 2022

fist mitten

1.) Of or pertaining to a person(s) Anus, Rectum, Rear-end, Butthole; particularly of one whom likes to be fisted.

2.) An Internal Body Part/Place Where One Might Use To Stash Illegal Contraband.

3.) May Also Be Known As A Man Vault, Backdoor, Butt Safe or The Vault; To Name A Few.

When pertaining to areas on the human body where one might try to conceal illegal items, mainly drugs, it may be necssary to stash it inside the anus- or jokingly the fist mitten (especially if the person is male & gay.)

To Be Used In A Humorous Nature, Not Offensive.

by CrazyCrab69 October 25, 2022

twat bot

1. A horny person in search of female genitalia.

2. A person on the hunt for a female to have sex with.

3. One who trolls social media or the streets looking to get laid.

4. A nickname relating to a male person who sleeps with many women- may be labeled as a womanizer or a 'man whore'.

One should always be cautious of whom they meet online, they might be a sexual predator... an online twat bot.

by CrazyCrab69 September 25, 2022