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Adjective: Used to offend people

Verb: To cleanse your asshole In preparation for an anal party

Catherine: “I can’t believe Marquita told my mother that I accidentally queefed on her bed!!”
Elizabeth: “I can’t believe it either! She’s such a douche”

Mark: “Are you ready for tonight’s anal fest??”
Bruce Jenner: “Soon! I’m about about to douche my asshole so no shit goes on any dick after being shoved HARD in my tight ass!”

by Cupcakke'sPubicHair November 8, 2022

2👍 1👎

Pignika Coke Whale

The Pignika Coke Whale, scientifically known as 'Cokus Pignikus' is a remarkable obese marine mammal that inhabits the coken jungle in which it very often consumes the native coca plant leaves. The pignika coke whale is a massive creature, measuring up to 98 feet in circumference, its rotund body is reminiscent of a bloated barrel. Its age is a point of concern, standing at 42 whole years, it's considered ancient among its species.

Person 1: "What is that gigantic thing in the zoo???"
Person 2: "Oh, nothing alarming, that's just the pignika coke whale"

by Cupcakke'sPubicHair December 18, 2024

4👍 2👎


Mostly known as CUM or if you’re from a country called “TikTok”, then you might have heard “CVM”

It’s Pornstars’ favorite drink other than piss!

Sperm is produced by touching your penis a lot until you feel it about to erupt like a volcano

Sperm was first discovered in 2007 when Kim Kardashian stroked Ray J’s penis until she saw white fluid come out of it, now known as sperm

Example 1: Omg daddy please let me stroke your 1 inch dick I’m thirsty for SPERM!

Example 2: I wanna blow bubbles with SPERM

by Cupcakke'sPubicHair November 8, 2022

23👍 4👎

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is a serious illness discovered in Calabasas when Kris Jenner gave birth to this disease in 1850. This disease includes having a shopping kink and getting married 5 times in 1 year and divorcing after 72 days.

Jenny: “Stacy is acting autistic”
Amber: “She’s got the Kim Kardashian!”
Jenny: “Ouch that’s worse than cancer”

by Cupcakke'sPubicHair November 10, 2022