When a forum's default font isn't good enough for someone's ego,
their "thing" is regularly posting in a different font, colour or size,
their status "obviously being more important than everyone else's/the norm".
Not to be confused with SHOUTING, emphasis, or Margot Fonteyn.
"If he didn't have Blue Comic Sans SIZE=4 BOLD FONT, what would that sad, ego fonting, dick, have?."
(Example should include the word "Ego Fonting."Example should include the word "Ego Fonting."Example should include the word "Ego Fonting."Example should include the word "Ego Fonting." --- it does...
Example should include the word "Ego Fonting."Example should include the word "Ego Fonting."Example should include the word "Ego Fonting.") damn!!! you might want to edit this bit!.