Although he sometimes gets a little bit over-covered and he is shown as some type of hero, he is actually a pretty tough guy. I am sure you guys have heard of it, but he played a season with a broken thumb, he threw 4 TDs and 398 yards in the FIRST HALF of a football game which was only a day or two after his father, Irvin, died of a heart attack while driving, his wife recently was diagnosed with breast cancer (but is in good health) and his brother-in-law was killed in a ATV accident at his Mississipi home, and he has the longest consecutive games played record for QBs, which spans over 12 years, or something like that. He has won one Super Bowl with the Green Bay Packers and started his career with the Atlanta Falcons. He was a 3 time MVP, 3 years straight. Some people put him down all the time, saying "the record is stupid and is easy for QBs", well I dont see anyone else even close, so deal with it. He also never mentions records, and doesnt even keep track of them, often times not even knowing of records untill being told by the media. Hes one of Wisconsin's favorite players and favorite people. Hes a down-to-earth guy also. Ok, I'm done with my praising. One negative thing-sometimes he doesnt make smart throws and he often forces passes and throws many INTs. But definately a Hall of Fame player. ..once he hangs the cleats up
Favre... Not again... just throw the ball away...
I hate it when people spell Favre, F-A-R-V-E... its Favre. Just remember on "Theres Something About Mary", when Ben Stiler makes a comment about Favres last name.
1060👍 348👎
A man who gets involved with everything that involves a black person, and thinks that he is needed everytime that something happens. He turns everything into a race issue. If Micheal Jackson is in trouble, its a race issue, if O.J. Simpson kills someone, its a race issue.
**breaking news** Chicago man kills wife. Jesse Jackson has released a statement on this, althought having no relation or having anything to do with this, saying, "Had this been a white man killing his wife, no one would have made a big deal of it, this is all because of race."
Give it a rest Jackson, quit your dayjob.
935👍 138👎