Saxor is the external or objective reality. It exists outside of "how you feel".
You may say the saxor of a ball is that it's round. You could say the saxor of money is that it's finite. Using your Roxas(subjectivity), you describe saxor (objective reality).
Ex. You could see someone see a rottweiler walking down the road and see that person turn tail and run away.
You may hazard a guess that the persons thinks rottweilers are dangerous or that they have a childhood fear -or maybe you think the person just ran home to grab something and the dog is irrelevant.
All your guesses & interpretations of what you've seen are roxasaxor: how your internal subjective POV (roxas) framed how you saw saxor (reality). We all think we see the same thing but every person is looking threw a different lense.
Hot and cold exist along saxor because we all share the experiences of them- but since there is no identifiable middle point between hot/cold, you use your roxas to imagine seperate.
Our Roxas judging the saxor is necessary to guide our decisions- but real choices in saxor have endless context. Words are descriptions that will always fall short of describing the entirety of reality...because time keeps adding.
Saxor is a shared space we all stand on. You can point towards hot or cold; up or down; good or evil- but you are limited to pointing in front of you or behind you. You can not point in front of you without looking away from the behind.
My roxas is that it's cold at 74° degrees but my partner thinks 74° is hot. Since there is no middle point of hot and cold, the perspective are illusions we use to describe the world. We "feng shui" a description using two ideas to navigate perspectives.
Roxasaxor is the moment subjective and objective meet. Individualized between the two. The roxas of someone who has only ever eaten bland potatoes might call something a "good meal" but to a gourmet chef, "a good meal" would likely require different expectations.
Saxor, the objective reality we all experience is "the meal". It is shaped by roxas but exists outside subjectivity still.A gourmet chef experiences many more events (saxor) than a person who has only eaten a potato... which is why their Roxas is much larger.
Quality is a Roxasaxor. While quality seems static, we can all observe "good quality" and "bad quality" if we have several examples. If we all see 3 different hammers, we will likely share a viewpoint on which hammer is best; however, the qualities that make the hammer "good" aren't guaunteed to be the same.
Another example, what is"good" in a hammer is not the same as what makes a "good painting" or "good meal". We may all see good or less good only in the moment of comparison: the context given by reality. Our roxas measured against the saxor: Roxasaxor
Saxor is outside your perspective: its the context of truth. Real life (saxor) is an endless because time doesn't "end".
Hot and cold are identified as different but can you identify the middle? Where it stops being one and becomes the other? How about up and down? Good or evil? From where you stand and point, that is your Roxas. Subjectivity.
Saxor is the opposite: Saxor is objective; it exists outside you. It's "shared reality" and everyone participates. Too big to identify, you can only point one way.
Roxasaxor is the fluctuation of your inside POV (roxas) constantly shifting along the reality outside you (saxor). Roxasaxor is the instant these two meet up.
This word stops splitting things into two parts when there isn't a middle point. I stand there, with all my life experience, pointing at something bigger than me. I can point towards: Hot/cold; up/down; good/evil - but I'm the one pointing to one side. We likely wouldn't think of things as two halves without words: but you can't look in front you without something behind you.
Roxas is subjective. Saxor is objective. Roxasaxor exist in the combination. A "good meal" to someone who has only ever eaten leaves is likely not "a good meal" to a gourmet chef. You can comment on your Roxasaxor because you know your own life. You can not comment on another persons Roxasaxor because you only know the saxor. You can never know the entire history of others because you've only lived your own life. You can see a portion of the roxas even as you look upon saxor. Perspective changes: not reality.
The idea of the "Seven Deadly Sins" is a good example.
Sins, like human emotion are not objective. Human emotion&choice is infinitely indescribable. Depthless. While words are limited; there is always more context to reality because there is no "end" to time.
Envy could be sin or virtue. Envy is a tool. It is the opportunity for rebirth of the old and new. As you perfect a talent, you stagnate - maybe get bored or tired: but if a friend learns your skills and they make new versions, you can grow envious. You can learn their skills on top of yours. Wanting things that aren't naturally ours prevents us from stagnating. Nothing prevents you from growing so this tool: is neither good nor bad. Envy is a gift to change from what you are now: to what you are now + new versions.
If you take the most beautiful person ever and make every single person look exactly like them: that person would cease to be beautiful. If everyone looks the same, what would you call beauty? Beauty is found in things being different. What was "beautiful" in the 70s eventually grew out of style because it became too common-but it will be considered "beautiful" again when it becomes more uncommon.
Roxas is to go from 2--->10. Saxor is to go from 200--->1. Roxasaxor is the piece that exists only from YOU standing between. Reality is a spectrum where things look differently for everyone.
Roxasaxor is an event horizon where you stand pointing left or right- you're the middle
Subjective (Roxas) vs Objective reality (Saxor)
Roxasaxor is the word to define two different words that are not two different entities.
They're the same point of discussion navigated from two different perspectives.
You feng shui words ("arrange furniture") around an idea. You place a couch here and a chair here and then you tell someone to go above the couch and below the chair.
We use words to navigate the things we don't understand using things we do understand.
Picture each idea like it's a coin,
You can look at a coin
You can look from the left or right toward O. Depending on where you stand, you could call this same exact existence two different words.
The coin doesn't change what it is or where it is. We change where we stand and point at it from the left or right.
Greed for example is suggested as sin but
Greed is also perseverance. Greed is a chase to have more - or work on more- than just what's within your grasp. There is this idea that the "7 Deadly Sins" are bad -but that is to only ever look at each from a limited perspective. The ideology itself is a trap of the mind.
Greed is the same tool we use to reach past our limits. Greed is a virtue in the same way as sin. You yourself are the only one who can suggest which is which.. because the middle isn't so obvious.
We move from one side of the coin and look to the middle or the other side and look to the middle. The coin stays exactly what it always was.
Gluttony for example is also "flavor". Its one decision that can be done countless different ways. You dont just "eat or dont eat".
Gluttony gives you the option to eat one bowl - or two bowls - or three bowls of food.
You can never eat 100% though. There is more to food than some simply pill where you take it and your done or simply dont take it. Gluttony is a road of travel where you make 1 decision countless different ways: it's variety.
Because there is infinite ways you can do the same choice (like eating), gluttony also means each choice gets to be individualized. We can all make the same exact choice in a bunch of different ways.
Roxas is looking from the left side side toward the coin in the middle. Saxor is looking from the right side of the coin into the middle. Roxasaxor is the observation that you are the one moving: the coin- gluttony/greed, doesnt move.
Hot and cold are the same way. It looks like two entities but where exactly would you say the middle is? Up and down; good and evil? How do you define where one stops and the other starts?
We each use an individualized perspective to identify what's in front of us- but the same way you cant describe hot and cold at the same time: you cant look in front of you while looking behind you.
Sin and virtue are words that get you look in front of the couch or behind the couch: they are NOT the context inside the words. They are navigation tools. See: Roxas Saxor
The internal or subjective point of view. Its "how you feel" about something.
While you can talk about your own roxas, you also know your entire past. You are incapable of accurately describing another persons roxas though because, at best, you can only know a portion.
Knowing someone for any period of time that isn't all of it immediately means your viewpoint is limited. You may guess why they react/act a specific way but you may only guess.
Your Roxas is the entirety of your life that adds up to you making a decision: if you were attacked by a dog 10 years ago and run when you see them than it is because your life experience.
Someone could see you run and guess it is fear or maybe that you needed to grab something from home. Ultimately, they're only seeing the saxor -the objective reality- and comparing it to their life in order to guess.
Saxor is the objective reality, a shared space we all stand on. You can point towards hot or cold; up or down; good or evil- but you point from your Roxas. Saxor is seperate from your perspective and thus not comparable to others point of view.
My roxas is that it's cold at 74° degrees but my husband thinks 74° is hot. Since there is no middle point; the perspective of hot/cold are inseparable.
Roxasaxor is the moment subjective and objective meet. It is individualized. The roxas of someone who has only ever eaten bland potatoes might call something a "good meal" but to a gourmet chef, "a good meal" would likely have higher expectations.
Saxor, the objective reality we all experience- "the meal" shapes roxas but exists outside it. A gourmet chef experiences many more saxor than a person who has only eaten potato and thus their Roxas expands.
Quality is a Roxasaxor. While quality seems static, we can all observe good quality over bad quality. If we all see 3 different showers, we will likely share a viewpoint on which shower is best; however, the qualities that make the shower "good" will likely change for each of us.
Another example is what is "good quality " in a shower is not the same examples of what makes a "good painting" or "good meal". We may all see good vs less good only in the moment of comparison. Our roxas measured against the saxor: Roxasaxor
Where you walk from and where you walk too are not guaranteed to overlap.
Roxas is one step, the first
Saxor is the last step: before it ever happens.
It is best described as closer to rebirth/death than birth. But it doesnt happen until it happens.
Saxoroxas is the walk from one side of infinity to other other: without any idea which is which.
Since you can not navigate forward while going backwards, you are always going to have limitations. Those limitations - your past -your entire way of thinking- everything that makes you from the moment of birth into this very second. That version of you only exists for a second and the next second, you are wholly different. One second on a huge conglomerate of other seconds still changes it entirely.
With all the things you've ever been, you glimpse as multiple sides of infinity and get to see whatever aligns outside you from inside you.
As you walk forward, you can not walk away.
To a man who lives in an upside down world, your up is his down.
Words have limitations but how you feel does not. Words have limits while thoughts do not.
Things dont have to be words in order to be true. Hypocrisy is the illusion there could only "this many sides" when there is infinite variations of options words simply can't encapsulate.
Saxoroxas, even a perfect truth is going to inadequate after a certain amount of context is added