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Saxor is the external or objective reality. It exists outside of "how you feel".

You may say the saxor of a ball is that it's round. You could say the saxor of money is that it's finite. Using your Roxas(subjectivity), you describe saxor (objective reality).

Ex. You could see someone see a rottweiler walking down the road and see that person turn tail and run away.

You may hazard a guess that the persons thinks rottweilers are dangerous or that they have a childhood fear -or maybe you think the person just ran home to grab something and the dog is irrelevant.

All your guesses & interpretations of what you've seen are roxasaxor: how your internal subjective POV (roxas) framed how you saw saxor (reality). We all think we see the same thing but every person is looking threw a different lense.

Hot and cold exist along saxor because we all share the experiences of them- but since there is no identifiable middle point between hot/cold, you use your roxas to imagine seperate.

Our Roxas judging the saxor is necessary to guide our decisions- but real choices in saxor have endless context. Words are descriptions that will always fall short of describing the entirety of reality...because time keeps adding.

Saxor is a shared space we all stand on. You can point towards hot or cold; up or down; good or evil- but you are limited to pointing in front of you or behind you. You can not point in front of you without looking away from the behind.

My roxas is that it's cold at 74° degrees but my partner thinks 74° is hot. Since there is no middle point of hot and cold, the perspective are illusions we use to describe the world. We "feng shui" a description using two ideas to navigate perspectives.

Roxasaxor is the moment subjective and objective meet. Individualized between the two. The roxas of someone who has only ever eaten bland potatoes might call something a "good meal" but to a gourmet chef, "a good meal" would likely require different expectations.

Saxor, the objective reality we all experience is "the meal". It is shaped by roxas but exists outside subjectivity still.A gourmet chef experiences many more events (saxor) than a person who has only eaten a potato... which is why their Roxas is much larger.

Quality is a Roxasaxor. While quality seems static, we can all observe "good quality" and "bad quality" if we have several examples. If we all see 3 different hammers, we will likely share a viewpoint on which hammer is best; however, the qualities that make the hammer "good" aren't guaunteed to be the same.

Another example, what is"good" in a hammer is not the same as what makes a "good painting" or "good meal". We may all see good or less good only in the moment of comparison: the context given by reality. Our roxas measured against the saxor: Roxasaxor

Saxor is outside your perspective: its the context of truth. Real life (saxor) is an endless because time doesn't "end".

by DuckiOsborne September 26, 2020