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a stash, ones supply of reefer.

You guys bring any steezage?

Yo dude, i got some bomb-ass steezage!

by Dudepiece June 22, 2009

13👍 4👎


n. a gigantic mammoth sasquach of a jew.
v. when a larger than average jewish male displays feats of strength

-coined by Josh Deitch

Yo goldstein's is like 6'4, total jewbeast.

Saul jewbeasted the shit outta the pitch.

by Dudepiece October 22, 2009

6👍 1👎


Short for absolutely. It's like saying "totes"

Sven: You gonna be around for drinks after work?
Dude: Lutes dude.

by Dudepiece July 9, 2009

19👍 2👎


an STD that runs rampant amongst disco partiers

Yea dude, all that partying came back to bite him in the ass. Guy caught Discosa off some Ketaskank

by Dudepiece April 5, 2010