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An alternative word to describe one’s penis, deriving from a wooden baton carried by police which closely resembles the shape of a shaft and bellend.

“Jaysus Mick, I can see your big dirty truncheon through your trousers you langer”

by Edward of All Men July 15, 2023


A young man (estimated to be aged between 17-20) resident in the Ranelagh area of South Dublin.
Very identifiable to some who look for the following characteristics.

- An entrepreneur mate.
- Fit ma.
- A primary teacher mate.
- Serious sexual health issues.
- Dusty trim (and dusty scrote).
- Tiny mickey.
- Knows aliases: Rodney, Titters, Spearsy.

Man 1: “Ahhh get in Doyler!”
Doyler: “Ahhh scrubba dat laddar!”
Man 1: “A boi Doyler”.

by Edward of All Men June 11, 2023

Blue Bollocks

A game played by teenagers (typically aged between 13-17) or elderly gentlemen (typical aged between 71-94) in which participants would suffer severe pain-resultant impact to the testicles (nuts, balls, kohoneys or bollocks) and the penis (cock, savage schlong, dick or slender shaft). One would usually get hit as a forfeit or as a punishment for sexually assaulting somebody.

Blue bollocks was a common torture method in the Middle Ages, in American prisons in the 1980s and is still used in British police stations to this day when asking young boys “where they got the knife from”.

It is usually carried out with a baseball bat to the balls or a paintball gun to the same area. It can also be carried out with the flat side of a sword to flatten the testicles.

Man: Did you see my wang?
Wife: Yes. It seems someone attended to it. Sexually.
Man: I did nothing of the kind. I was playing a game of blue bollocks with the lads.
Wife: You were my arse. Get out of the house

by Edward of All Men January 4, 2021

Dirty Bastard

A slang Irish term used to describe a friend/family member in jest after they have delivered a sex joke or made sexual comments about a member of the public. This is also jokingly used if a friend/family member is seen flashing his genitals (namely their cock, penis, dick etc) toward others.

The word is also used as an insult, in places such as a GAA or soccer fixture, a pub/bar or in a public place such as a street or park. It describes someone who may be acting like a wanker, a prick, a twat or sometimes a right pain in the arse.

“Pull your trousers up Paudí, ya dirty bastard!”
“That referee has given us fuck-all, the dirty bastard!”

by Edward of All Men July 27, 2020

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An item of jewelry commonly worn around the neck or held in the hand. It would usually consist of a piece of string, slim rope of sometimes wire with a span large enough to encircle the back and leave considerable room for comfort.

It would then be laden with severed penises (also known as dicks, cocks, savage schlongs, bellends or otherwise), leading to the name cock-necklace. These “cocks” would usually be equally spaced along the necklace which would display an artistic penis placement by the creator. They originated from Viking times when Norse tribes would raid monk settlement, severing their genitals before applying them to items of clothing and jewelry such as cloaks, boots and, of course, the infamous necklace.

Norseman 1: Is that...a cock-necklace?
Norseman’s wife: Yes.
Norseman 1: If I had one that size I’d faint! The rush of blood to something that size would knock any man out!

Norseman’s wife: This one is only 3 inches long.

by Edward of All Men December 11, 2020