A state of consciousness that allows you to see both nighttime and daytime at the same time.
Go home, bust a nut, boomjalaw
a horrifying insect demon that is found on videos in youtube, not many people know the exact name of the species but it is characterized but its scaley face and dark body.
I saw a video in which an insect demon appeared, it was most likely a crilton
a word enhancer to describe something in a way that makes it fantastic or whimsical
Hey are you feeling beptacular?
The study of the fundamental nature of Goonery, especially when considered as an academic discipline.
My boy Tony just copped his advance degree in Goonology styll.
when a mans snakes the fam to steal his space/seat
yo that man took your seat, he kiefer battymon'd you
When your mouth is so dry from the no name food you have to buy.
I have to chewa these cheese flavoured crunch snacks
A month used by many to describe their feelings towards a Vietnamese man named tony
It also contains only Tuesdays.