Julian is a guy that was cool until he let this girl named Haili brain wash him and is now not cool and is also in fact a lesbian.
Woah... Julian is so hot -Haili
Yeah but you brain washed him into being lesbian because he kisses a girl -literally everyone
Heartbreak weather by Niall Horan
LP1 by Liam Payne
Walls by Louis Tomlinson
Nobody is listening by Zayn
J: Hey do you know what underrated means?
R: Yeah, heartbreak weather, walls, lp1 and nobody is listening.
A guy that is sweet and a girl named hailli always steals him away from his real friends cause she has a mutual crush on him but he could care less
Wow juilian I'm stealing you from your friends
I'm going to have swag one day.
Did you have swag bro?
Swag is the best thing ever when on top and it's not the same gender so swag is bad.